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Phil Mickelson Great Escapes! – Part 1

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Phil Mickelson Great Escapes! – Part 1

well if there’s anybody who might have this up his sleeve you’d imagine it would be Phil nichelson that’s pretty good huh I was going to say imagine the concentration there Terry well other than that to be able to bend the ball there how much that could Lally the breeze is gone a little that white Frank with a lie and you’re not really trying to advance it that far you can’t because of the water Jimmy that’s just Talent you just had a good look at the LIE there Roger that’s uh not exactly one you’d like for this shot no it’s a little cuppy and it’s right down on the dirt so it be very hard to get the club under this and get the ball up in the air once it gets to the green then it’s got to land on a down slope he’s carrying it past the hole look at this that is artistry that’s all that is artistry

Watch some of Phil Mickelsons greatest shots!

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Thank you to the PGA Tour, DP World Tour and LIV Tour for this footage.
Visit the PGA at https://www.pgatour.com/
Visit the DP World Tour at https://www.europeantour.com/dpworld-tour/
Visit the LIV Tour at https://www.livgolf.com/

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